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Alternator - warning lights

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2025 17:58    Post subject: Alternator - warning lights Reply with quote

Hi all.

My original alternator failed at the start last year so I bought a new one from
roughtrax. Not a genuine part. When it arrived it was a pain to fit as the bracket was maybe 1 or 2mm wider than the bracket on the engine. I assumed it was just a poor aftermarket part fit but with a little touch of the grinder, I got it fitted and all was well.

Fast forward 8 months or so and although the car was driving fine, the dash lights all came on at once. A quick search on here said it was likely the alternator or wiring, however when I stopped and checked with a multimeter it was charging fine. That said, by the time I restarted it to do the test, the lights were off also. For the next 2 months all was back to normal.

Now it has started again but it’s intermittent - happened twice in two days.  Driving along and all the lights come on. If I stop and restart they’re off and it’s fine for a day. Today it happened again just as I was getting home so without stopping the engine, I grabbed the multimeter and noticed it wasn’t charging. I turned the car off, restarted and it was then fine.. When I looked at the connections I noticed the cover on the live cable (it looks like Bakelite) had almost melted through where the bolt/connection meets it. I removed it, poked it with a screwdriver and it crumbled. The connection has built up that white calcium stuff too. From what I see the connections are tight but I’ll give them a clean and closer check this weekend when I have time. The earth on the inner wing seems fine and clean - but is there others I could check?

What confuses me is that it comes and goes. And simply restarting the engine clears it seemingly. Could it be a dodgy alternator that is failing but if so, why would it come and go. I’ll check all I can on the weekend but thought I’d post to ask if anyone has any opinions that may help.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2025 17:58    Post subject: Google Ads keep this community free to join!

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2025 16:26    Post subject: Re: Alternator - warning lights Reply with quote

ThePiper wrote:
Hi all.

My original alternator failed at the start last year so I bought a new one from
roughtrax. Not a genuine part. When it arrived it was a pain to fit as the bracket was maybe 1 or 2mm wider than the bracket on the engine. I assumed it was just a poor aftermarket part fit but with a little touch of the grinder, I got it fitted and all was well.

Fast forward 8 months or so and although the car was driving fine, the dash lights all came on at once. A quick search on here said it was likely the alternator or wiring, however when I stopped and checked with a multimeter it was charging fine. That said, by the time I restarted it to do the test, the lights were off also. For the next 2 months all was back to normal.

Now it has started again but it’s intermittent - happened twice in two days.  Driving along and all the lights come on. If I stop and restart they’re off and it’s fine for a day. Today it happened again just as I was getting home so without stopping the engine, I grabbed the multimeter and noticed it wasn’t charging. I turned the car off, restarted and it was then fine.. When I looked at the connections I noticed the cover on the live cable (it looks like Bakelite) had almost melted through where the bolt/connection meets it. I removed it, poked it with a screwdriver and it crumbled. The connection has built up that white calcium stuff too. From what I see the connections are tight but I’ll give them a clean and closer check this weekend when I have time. The earth on the inner wing seems fine and clean - but is there others I could check?

What confuses me is that it comes and goes. And simply restarting the engine clears it seemingly. Could it be a dodgy alternator that is failing but if so, why would it come and go. I’ll check all I can on the weekend but thought I’d post to ask if anyone has any opinions that may help.


Hi Ryan
it seems funny to me sounds like a bad earth, even open or short circuit, But
when you replaced it did you check what the voltage first with the engine off and then on and also check the connections of the earths both with the engine off and engine on, you needed to do it even before you changed the Alternator and you might have found the original one might have been OK

Do some checks and jot down the results and let us have it
2004 Amazon 100 series
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2025 23:33    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the reply. Much appreciated.

The old alternator was barely pushing 12.5v with the engine running and less with lights on etc. Changing to the new one (without doing anything else) changed that and it was up to 14.2 or thereabouts when tested.

Last night I braved the cold and spent some time cleaning up all the battery terminals with some sandpaper and WD. I gave the same treatment to all the earth connections I could find before I froze - the two on the inner wings and the one from the driver side battery that connects to the engine block. I also checked and cleaned up the connections on the alternator itself. So far so good and I drove about 50 miles today without warning lights or issues. It'll take time to trust if that's done the trick though given the intermittent nature of it prior. Fingers crossed it'll be fine and I've ordered a new cover to replace the alternator wire cover which melted. I'll keep an eye on the new one to see if there's any effects of excesss heat on that too just in case.

Thanks again for the reply. If the issue reoccurs, I'll post here again just in case anyone else is having the same issue down the line.

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Joined: 18 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 13:51    Post subject: Reply with quote

ThePiper wrote:
Hi Steve,

Thanks for the reply. Much appreciated.

The old alternator was barely pushing 12.5v with the engine running and less with lights on etc. Changing to the new one (without doing anything else) changed that and it was up to 14.2 or thereabouts when tested.

Last night I braved the cold and spent some time cleaning up all the battery terminals with some sandpaper and WD. I gave the same treatment to all the earth connections I could find before I froze - the two on the inner wings and the one from the driver side battery that connects to the engine block. I also checked and cleaned up the connections on the alternator itself. So far so good and I drove about 50 miles today without warning lights or issues. It'll take time to trust if that's done the trick though given the intermittent nature of it prior. Fingers crossed it'll be fine and I've ordered a new cover to replace the alternator wire cover which melted. I'll keep an eye on the new one to see if there's any effects of excesss heat on that too just in case.

Thanks again for the reply. If the issue reoccurs, I'll post here again just in case anyone else is having the same issue down the line.


Hi again, you have all ready got the new Alternator but you could have disturbed the connections when you changed it and by doing ALL the other connections it would make it work right, and as for the cover that is more the reason that it has melted that there was a poor earth, that would create heat, as if the alternator was just down on output power it would not get hot.

Not that you are going to do it but I bet that if you put the old one back on it would work ok (but its too cold Lol)
2004 Amazon 100 series
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 13:57    Post subject: Reply with quote


Thanks for the reply.

Since posting I spent some time cleaning all the battery terminals with sandpaper etc, and I also cleaned the earths on the side of the inner wing and the one from the driver side battery that goes to the engine block. This seems to have worked as the issue hasn’t happened since and no lights coming on the dash. I’ve ordered a new cover for the alternator wire but it’s not arrived yet. Once it has and I get it fitted, I’ll keep an eye for signs of heat again. I’m hopeful that it’s all sorted though.

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